Sunday, May 22, 2016

Birds of a Feather

I dont know a single person who is famous, I dont know anyone who has ever seen a million dollars, and I dont know anyone who has ever done anything miraculous.

But I do know some people who are amazing in their own ways.

I have a wonderful friend who can turn a really freaky moment into something to laugh over. She can make a fear turn into a joy in an instant just by saying, "You've got this because God's already taken care of it." And you believe it without question.

I have two awesome sisters who will take anything that someone else has against me and show me 900 ways that I can use it to my advantage. They are both so blunt and honest, and sometimes that's exactly what the world needs. They are both beautiful, and despite being younger than me, I look up to them daily. They are my very best friends without question

I have a beautiful best friend who, though we dont always agree, always has the best advice. Her clear mind and vibrant outlook on life gives me hope. She can take a "you're an idiot" moment and turn it into a "but you survived and came out stronger" one. She's not afraid to call it like she sees it, yet she does it gently and passionately. She's clever and smart, and heaven forbid that gorgeous girl get angry 'cause someone's going down if her loved one is hurting.

I have an amazing mother who has taught me so much about what a Proverbs 31 woman actually looks like. She isn't perfect, and she doesn't have to try to be. She simply takes things one day at a time and does what she can to make her home a happy one. Some days are tougher than others. Some days it feels like the entire world is fighting you. But taking it one moment at a time--even when you're angry and frustrated--will get you through everything life throws at you.

I have the world's most creative friend and counselor who constantly encourages me to pursue my dreams. She is constantly encouraging me not to bother with what everyone else thinks and just do my own thing. The right people will come along at the right times if I just keep pursuing my own passions. She is such a beautiful picture of what it looks like to be a girl lost in God and not worried about anything else. Everything else will work itself out.

Last but not least, I have a sweet, sweet mentor who doesn't even know that's what she is to me. She has been such a beautiful example of what God can do in the life of a girl who runs after Him. She is so many things besides just a friend. She has shown me what its like to live a life in Jesus' footsteps. It's okay to get angry at people. It's okay to be sad and angry and hurt. It's okay to deal with things in your own way. She has been through so much and she has come out stronger than ever. She has taught me so much just by living her own life. I love her dearly.

These girls are my team. They have given me so much joy in life and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us all. I love them all dearly, and look forward to the years ahead.

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