Thursday, October 29, 2015


Too much to do; not enough time to get it done!!
Wow! It's been a crazy month.
School, church, chores, friends, all adds up!
And it fills the calendar.

It can be very hard to prioritize things that you really want to do, but know that they're not as important as other things, such as family and school-work. My new job has really crammed that in my face.
I realized today that I have done one day of school-work in three solid days. And I blamed my job. Then at a second glance, I realized that it's not the job; it's my unwillingness to put forth effort into it. To get up in the morning, to not spend so much time on Facebook and Twitter, to not fun-read when I should be school-reading. It's a real problem.
And I'm not the only one.
My youth pastor wrote an article entitled "Are You Lazy."
I read it, thinking, "Not that much."
But I read it, and by the end, I'd come to the conclusion: Yup.
I'm lazy. Along with nearly every other American.
But wait!! How on earth can I be lazy when I'm up at 6:00 or earlier, making/eating breakfast, rushing to work/school, and then coming home to cook dinner? Even on the weekends, I clean some stuff--and go to church!
But BUSY does not equal LAZY, as my pastor argues.
You can be very busy, and still be lazy.
My youth pastor says
"...I don't daydream as much [as I used to] because now I have a smartphone. Instead of allowing my mind to wonder off, I pick up my phone and scroll through tweets, posts, and pics. One sign of our laziness can be distraction. When we feel pressure to work or perform, we want to escape from that so we escape into an online world. Your laziness can often be gauged by how often you're taking out your phone and staring at the screen. I'm not saying that anytime you pull your phone out you're being a lazy bum; however, it can be an indicator of laziness. So be cautious."
I do not have a smartphone.  But I see my laziness manifesting itself in doodling instead of reading, writing for fun instead of studying, walking back and forth multiple times before I actually get to wherever it is that I need to be.
It's not the all-out-late-night-six-hour-Netflix-tv-series-marathons that determine how lazy you are. It's the little things. Everyone needs time to chill and have those all-out-late-night-six-hour-Netflix-tv-series-marathons, but you also need to see that there is a difference in "just chilling/resting" and "being lazy." 
I'm going to run now, because there is a very good chance I'm using this blogging time to be lazy. I have school-work to catch up on, and a Chemistry test to study for.

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